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d'bi.young anitafrika


Finalist of the 2017 Ontario Premier Arts Awards for Theatre and Literature, d’bi.young anitafrika is one of 200 Canadian artists to receive a Canada Council New Chapter grant of $120, 000 to produce her critically acclaimed environmental musical entitled Lukumi: A Dub Opera, which world premiered to critical acclaim.


The winner of three Dora awards for her plays Blood.claat and Mami Wata, anitafrika’s other awards include: Canadian Poet of Honor, YWCA Woman of Distinction in the Arts, Mayor’s Arts, Vital People, KM Hunter Theatre Award and The Golden Beret Award. She is an internationally celebrated African-Jamaican dub poet, playwright-performer, arts-educator, and Founding Artistic Director of Watah African Diaspora Centre for the Performing Arts. Anitafrika is also the Founding CEO of Spolrusi Publishing, a unique micro press which publishes original works by Black and diverse creators.


Toronto Leadership Lab Fellow alumni, anitafrika is the creator of the intersectional liberation framework and creative praxis - The Anitafrika Method - which has been utilized by The Stephen Lewis Foundation, The Banff Centre, U of T, MaRS, Women’s College Hospital and other institutions globally. She is the published author of seven books, seven plays and seven dub albums who has toured her work nationally and internationally.


Her most recent projects include 1. Establishing the Anitafrika Retreat Centre in the mountain forests of Chachagua Costa Rica where she teaches artists from all over the world 2. Producing Lukumi: A Dub Opera on large stages globally and 3. Travelling the world as a Keynote Speaker addressing issues of identity, gender, sexuality, divinity, the erotic, race, class and the human experience through her Anitafrika Method - next stop Mumbai India at TEDxGateway, Asia's largest TEDx event.

If you would like to contact d'bi.young anitafrika regarding The Sacred Health Research Project, the Anitafrika Method, Workshops or Keynotes, please visit the

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