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The Project 

Together in collaboration with Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre, globally renowned Canadian Poet of honor and 2015 YWCA Woman of Distinction in the Arts,  d’bi.young anitafrika was funded in 2014 by Women’s Xchange through Women’s College Hospital to explore the effective-ness of The Anitafrika Method as a holistic arts-based health intervention in the improvement of Black Womxn’s health entitled the Black Womxn’s Sacred Health Research Project.


The intent of the project is to promote optimal holistic (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Creative, and Physical) health services, resources and toolkits to Black and diverse womxn, by critically exploring innovative health education and advocacy through the development of the Anitafrika Method - an arts informed health intervention. Intensive workshops were facilitated by d’bi.young anitafrika in 2015.


Research Question

To explore how engaging with an arts informed health intervention can positively influence the holistic embodiment of health for womxn of colour. Secondary to this, is to also explore how artistic engagement facilitates the development of agency around health within the broader community.

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