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  • Sacred Health Guide

Through the creation of this online and print version of the Sacred Health Guide the project is able to provide provide links to community resources that respond to the needs of Black womxn and womxn of colour. Not only are the project participants better equipped to identify and access w/holistic health resources specific to their needs, an increase in public awareness, for those who come across the site can result in both a reduction in the barriers faced by Black womxn and womxn of colour as well as encourage a continued invest -tigation into the health needs of racialized communities.


  • Sacred Health Video  

​The 5 minute Sacred Health Video (click to view) that was  created from the project is an essential element in creating a visual archive and celebration of the power of Black and diverse womxn to tell our own stories of healing without  shame or guilt; highlighting our very own indepth findings and discoveries. 

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